



When I gave birth to my daughter, I lived with my parents for a while. I cannot return to my parent’s home for having a baby this time because of their work.



I am a homemaker and I spend all day long with my 17 months adventurous daughter. I was worried about giving birth in this situation… but an acquaintance taught me a childcare system called “Short-term child care”.



I checked some nursery schools and found the one near my husband’s work place where my daughter goes there as soon as we apply. The nursery welcomes a child 5 days per month whose mother is a homemaker and 14 days per month whose mother is a pregnant.




The short-term child care starts from 2 hours in the morning and then add lunch, all day long at last. Today is the first day of my daughter.



I prepared a big bag and wrote down my daughter’s name on her belongings. It seems she cried endlessly for 2 hours while seeing other children on her first day.



I really appreciate this short-term child care system which got rid of my anxiety.



I hope my daughter enjoy her time at the nursery whole day by the time I have a baby.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



I have come to make sushi on special occasions since I got married. At first, I checked the recipes about vinegared sushi rice and tried many times, but something is not right for me. When I was struggling with this problem, my mom gave me a vinegar called “Oishiisu” for good for my health.



Oishiisu goes well with any dish. We can drink it straight, use it for pickles or add it to salad dressing. Then I wondered if it can be good for vinegared sushi rice. I just mixed some Oishiisu with white rice, it became perfect vinegared sushi rice for me.




5th, May is Children’s day in Japan. I am going to prepare hand-rolled sushi for dinner and enjoy a meal together.


[Recipe:酢飯の作り方/Vinegared sushi rice(3人分)]


Cook 2 cups of rice and then add 60cc of Oisiisu. Stir rice well while cooling down with a fan.


[Ingredient:離乳食後期におすすめの手巻き具材/Hand-rolled sushi for children]



・茹でたにんじん/boiled carrot

・茹でたほうれん草/boiled spinach

・ツナ/tuna flake

・鮭フレーク/salmon flake





I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



【公式】おいしい酢 通販サイト|日本自然発酵のおいしいWeb (oishiisu.jp)



I am pregnant and also raise my 16 months daughter. I sometimes want to need a break. I leave my kid with my husband during routine checkups and drop by a "hot spring".



There are a lot of hot springs from public ones used by locals to luxurious ones at exclusive hotels in Beppu, Oita.




I have visited many hot springs and one of the public hot springs called “Hotta Onsen” is my favorite these days. Although the hot spring is not so big but clean and we can enjoy both indoor and outdoor bath with seasonal plants.



I often visit there before lunch time when there are few people soak in the hot spring so I can get relaxed. Reasonable price is also a selling point there.




After the hot spring, I buy ingredients and make lunch for my family. I usually feel tired in the afternoon, but thanks to effects of the hot spring, I can spend with a calm mind all day long.



I am looking forward to visiting there again and this helps me do my best until that day.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



トップページ - 別府八湯温泉道【公式】 (beppu-navi.jp)


堀田温泉|別府市 (city.beppu.oita.jp)



My daughter and I enjoy balmy spring days and we often go to the park near our home. There are a lot of spring flowers along the way to the park and in the park too.



It is a big adventure for my 16 months old daughter to go to the park in our neighborhood. She picks flowers, picks up stones and is covered with sand… In a short while, she get soiled from the sand and plant juices.




I dressed my daughter in cute clothing at first. But I stopped it immediately, because the dirt did not come off even though I washed it so many times... Then, I decided to make “smock”.




I chose the brown 100% cotton fabric which is good for beginners at sewing like me and also dirt is not noticeable. I put two floral pattern pockets on the smock since the fabric is too plain for children.




Thanks to the smock, I play with my daughter without worrying about getting dirty, In addition, it makes less work for me to change and wash her clothes.



I made a half pants for my daughter using the remaining fabric.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



挫折しない! 子ども服レッスンBOOK | 岡田桂子 |本 | 通販 - Amazon.co.jp



I used to go to a cooking school using rice malts. I have been making “salted koji” which is salted rice malt since then.



Salted koji is easy to make. I put rice malts, salt and water in a food storage container and mix it with hands everyday for 5 to 10 days. We can keep it in a fridge for about 6 months.




Spring cabbages are in season now and I often make “Cabbage rolls” with salted koji these days. Leaves of spring cabbages are soft and sweet. Of course it is good for fresh salads, but it becomes more sweet and smooth by heating.



The recipe is very simple. Thanks to the salted koji, the meat becomes more juicy and it goes well with soft cabbage leaves.




I put a half of the stock cube for my 16 months daughter and add the rest of it for adults. You do not have to make baby foods separately. My daughter does not really like leaf vegetables, but it seems she is satisfied with this cabbage roll.


[Recipe:ロールキャベツの作り方/Cabbage rolls(3人分)]

[用意するもの ingredients]

・合い挽き肉/ground meat 200g

・刻み玉ねぎ/chopped onion 中medium size 1つ

・春キャベツ/spring cabbage 6枚 leaves

・卵/egg 1つ

・パン粉/bread crumbs 大 table spoon 1

・牛乳/milk 大 table spoon 1

・塩こうじ/salted koji 大 table spoon1

・黒胡椒/ground black pepper 少々 to taste

・水/water 300cc

コンソメキューブ/stock cube 1つ piece

・オリーブオイル/olive oil 大table spoon 1


[手順 recipe]

  1. 春キャベツを1枚ずつ外しよく洗う。耐熱皿に置きラップをかけて電子レンジ(600W)で5分加熱する。 Wash cabbage leaves well. Wrap them with a plastic wrap and steam with a microwave oven (600W) for 5 mins.
  2. フライパンにみじん切りにした玉ねぎを入れオリーブオイルであめ色になるまで炒める。Pour the olive oil into the flying pan and stir-fry chopped onions until golden brown.
  3. ボウルに玉ねぎ,合い挽き肉,卵,牛乳に浸したパン粉,塩こうじ,黒こしょうを加えてよく混ぜる。Mix the onions, ground meat, egg, milk soaked bread crumbs, salted koji and ground black pepper in a bowl.
  4. 広げたキャベツにネタを置き包む。フライパンに並べて水とコンソメ(半量)を加える。蓋をして中火で15分煮込む。Place the 1/6 mixtures in the center of a cabbage leaf and roll inward, sides and continue to roll. Place the 6 cabbage rolls in the flying pan and add water and half of the stock cube. Put on a lid and boil well with medium heat for 15 minutes.
  1. 子どもの分を取り出す。残りのコンソメを加えて弱火で5分煮込む。Take 1-2 rolls out for children. Add the other half of the stock cube in the flying pan and boil with law heat for 5 more minutes.



I also recommend to boil together with carrots or broccolis for our health the color coordination.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



There has been several days with spring warm afternoon these days. It is said in ayurveda that spring is the best season to de-tox and cleanse our bodies from the inside.



I have been troubled by constipation since I was a teenager. I have tried to many different ways to relieve constipation such as changing my life style or drink more water, but they did not work.



Then, I decided to take a medicine, but I did not know what kind of medicines are good for me… It was fortunate that I met “Triphala powder” when I was taking the ayurveda course in India.




Triphala is a word which is consist of “Tri = three” and “Phala = fruits” and it is combination of Indian gooseberry, black myrobalan and beleric myrobalan. Triphala contains antioxidant which treat gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion or constipation.



The taste is Triphala powder is… not tasty for me.  Although I packed it away in the back of my pantry for a while, but I decided to take it because the expire date was approaching.




I wrapped Triphala powder in the eatable paper twice a day, after breakfast and dinner. Two days later, I had a bowel movement and become regular now.



If you cannot go to India, it is no problem. Triphhala powder is available on the internet. I want to continue to take it in the future.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.


iHerb: トリファラ (iherb.com)


アーユルヴェーダ認定コース | シヴァーナンダ・ヨーガジャパン (sivananda.jp)




It seems I do not have a green thumb. I have tried to grow vegetables several times, but I could not do it.



Only plant I can grow well is “Rosemary”. They are growing well even if it is cold or severe rain. 





I bind some branches and hang it in our living room where is airy and not exposed to direct sunlight. It is also good for room interior because their leaves do not fall easily from trees. After drying well, we use it for cooking or fresh herbal tea.




[Recipe:ローズマリーポテトの作り方/Roasted rosemary potatoes(2人分)]

[用意するもの ingredients]

・じゃがいも/potato 小 small size 4つ

・刻みにんにく/minced garlic 1片 piece

・オリーブオイル/olive oil 大 table spoon 2

・刻みローズマリー/minced rosemary 小1 teaspoon

・塩/salt 少々 to taste

・黒胡椒/ground black papper 少々 to taste

[手順 recipe]

  1. オーブンを200°に予熱する。Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. じゃがいもを皮ごとよく洗い,半分に切る。Wash the potates well and cut them in half.
  3. ボウルにじゃがいも,にんにく,オリーブオイル,ローズマリー,塩,黒胡椒をいれて混ぜ合わせる。Mix the potates, garlic, olive oil , salt and black papper in a bowl. 
  4. クッキングシートを敷いた天板に並べて20分焼く。Spred the potato mixture over a baking sheet and bake it for 20 mins.
  5. 向きをかえてきつね色になるまでさらに20分焼く。Stir and roast for an additional 20 mins until the potates are golden brown and tender.



Rosemary also has good effects for deodorizing and insect repellent. If you grow a lot of rosemary, I recommend to make a wreath with your favorite dried flower or sachet with cute fabrics.





I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.