



There has been several days with spring warm afternoon these days. It is said in ayurveda that spring is the best season to de-tox and cleanse our bodies from the inside.



I have been troubled by constipation since I was a teenager. I have tried to many different ways to relieve constipation such as changing my life style or drink more water, but they did not work.



Then, I decided to take a medicine, but I did not know what kind of medicines are good for me… It was fortunate that I met “Triphala powder” when I was taking the ayurveda course in India.




Triphala is a word which is consist of “Tri = three” and “Phala = fruits” and it is combination of Indian gooseberry, black myrobalan and beleric myrobalan. Triphala contains antioxidant which treat gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion or constipation.



The taste is Triphala powder is… not tasty for me.  Although I packed it away in the back of my pantry for a while, but I decided to take it because the expire date was approaching.




I wrapped Triphala powder in the eatable paper twice a day, after breakfast and dinner. Two days later, I had a bowel movement and become regular now.



If you cannot go to India, it is no problem. Triphhala powder is available on the internet. I want to continue to take it in the future.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.


iHerb: トリファラ (iherb.com)


アーユルヴェーダ認定コース | シヴァーナンダ・ヨーガジャパン (sivananda.jp)