



My grandmother is approaching her 88th birthday. She is an active farmer and her honey is excellent.



She raises honeybees and their bodies are beautiful with yellow and black patterns. Her house is surrounded by nature which makes honeybees easier to collect flower nectar. There are some hive supers in her garden and worker bees fry around their houses.




We protect ourselves from honeybees with long sleeve shirts, pants, gloves and hats, on the other hand my grandmother wears normal clothes. She sometimes touches the hive supers without gloves.



The color of her honey is “yellowish-blown” and it has lots of flavors. Regular customers also likes her honey and it is often sold out since she makes it by herself.




I heard in passing that the daker color of honey has a unique flavor, but it has rich nutritious and is good for our health.



When I have a sore throat, I have “radish honey and “ginger honey” for poor circulation. When I have trouble falling a sleep due to hunger, I have a teaspoon of honey. Of course, I like spreading honey on pancakes and putting honey in my chai.


[Recipe:はちみつを使った簡単チャイの作り方/Easy honey milk chai(2杯分)]

[用意するもの ingredients]

・茶葉/tea leaves 大 table spoon1

(おすすめはアッサム/ Assam is recommended)

・水/water 200ml

・牛乳/milk 200ml

・カルダモン/cardamon 2粒

・シナモンパウダー/cinnamon powder 小 tea spoon 1/2

・生姜チューブ/ginger paste 小 tea spoon 1/2

・ブラックペッパー/black paper 適量 to taste

・はちみつ/honey 大 table spoon 1


[手順 recipe]

  1. カルダモンを軽くつぶしておく。Grind cardamons.
  2. 鍋に水とスパイスを入れて沸騰させ,茶葉を入れて煮込む。Boil water and spices in a pan and add tea leaves.

  3. 牛乳とはちみつを加え,沸騰直前に火を止める。Add milk and honey and turn off the heat before boiling.

  4. 茶こしを使ってカップに注ぐ。Pour the chai into a cup with through a strainer.



You can use tea bags in stead of tea leaves and plant milk such as soy milk in stead of cow milk. When you are pregnant or before going to sleep, I recommend you to use decaffeinated tea. If you add spices like star anises or cloves, you can enjoy the more authentic chai.




It is said that one honeybee collects only a tea spoon of honey in its life time. I will appreciate their efforts and eat it slowly and feel the taste of it.



Please live a long and healthy life, my grandma.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.