



My daughter turned one and half years old and she has started to eat toddler meals. She usually has some snacks at 3 p.m. but it seems she does not like store-bought sweets



Then, I have decided to make homemade sweets using a banana since she likes bananas.



These days, I often make “banana scone” which is also good for people who has egg allergies.




My daughter tends to swallow foods without chewing well. So, I baked the scones a little bit hard so that she can practice how to use her teeth.



She has the scones with a cup of milk. She fills her cheeks with the scones like a squirrel. It seems she is satisfied with the taste of scones.



You can keep the baked scones in the freezer, so you can have it whenever you want.


[Recipe:バナナスコーンの作り方/Banana scones(スコーン型6個分)]

[用意するもの ingredients]

ホットケーキミックス/pancake mix 150g

・プレーンヨーグルト/plain yogurt 50g

・完熟バナナ/ripe banana 1本

・オリーブオイル/olive oil 15g

・塩/salt 少々 to taste


[手順 recipe]

1. オーブンを180度に予熱する Preheat the oven at 180°

2. フォークでバナナを粗く潰す Mash the banana with the back of a fork.

3. ボウルに材料を入れてゴムベラで切るように混ぜる Put all ingredients in a bowl and fold the dough with a rubber spatula in a cutting motion.

4. そぼろ状になったら手でまとめ、めん棒で2cmの厚さにのばす Roll the dough into a ball and flatten it 2cm thick with a rolling pin.

5. 型を抜いてオーブンで15分焼く Cut out and bake in the oven for about 15 mins.



This scone is also good for adults. According to children’s age, you can use chocolates, dried fruits, roasted soybean flour or nuts instead of bananas. When you use roasted soybean flour or nuts, I recommend you add 1 tablespoon of millet sugar since they are not so sweet.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.