



Our second baby’s due date is getting closer and we have decided to leave our daughter at a nursery school for 4 months before and after giving birth.



There is a "gradual entry" in the school to allow children to adjust to a new environment and it usually takes one or two weeks. We started the gradual entry from 1st of June and took 1 month




In the first two weeks, my daughter went to the school for 2 hours in the morning accompanied by a parent. Although I was in the late stage of pregnancy, I spent all time with my daughter at the school.



A few days later, other children got used to me and they jumped up on my lap, spoke to me. They asked me to wear shoses, read books… I responded their requests as much as I could.



The 3rd week, my daughter spent 2 hours in the morning at the school without me. I picked up her around 12-13 p.m. after she took a nap during the 4th week. The last week of June, the school time has been extended to 15:30.




I will deliver a baby in July, so my husband drives my daughter to the nursery school everyday from this month. The school asked him to rearrange his work schedule and pick her up before 5 p.m. since she is not still used to the environment



My husband is busy with work and it is difficult to take hourly paid leave every day. I feel sorry for my daughter, but we will do as best as we can.


[慣らし保育 gradual entry:よかったこと Good points]

・娘のペースに合わせて進められたこと Took my daughter’s time and we could go at her pace.

・新しい環境に馴染むのに時間がかかるのがわかったこと Found that it takes time for my daughter to get used to a new environment.

・預け先の保育園の環境がわかったこと Knew the environment of the nursery school.

・同世代の子供たちの様子がわかったこと Saw the growth of children around the same age of my daughter


[悩んだこと What I was worried about]

・娘が馴染めなかった場合にどうするか If she is not used to the nursery school, how can we manage it?

・コロナ禍に私が園内に長時間滞在していいのか Can I stay at the nursery school for a long time under the current situation with COVID-19?

・保育士免許を持ってない私が他の子供たちの相手をしていいのか Can I take care of other children even though I do not have a license of a nursery school teacher?



Anyway, I felt better that my daughter became to spend her time in the nursery school without us. I hope she stay healthy both mentally and physically, and enjoy her time at the school with her teachers and friends.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.