



I used to go to a cooking school using rice malts. I have been making “salted koji” which is salted rice malt since then.



Salted koji is easy to make. I put rice malts, salt and water in a food storage container and mix it with hands everyday for 5 to 10 days. We can keep it in a fridge for about 6 months.




Spring cabbages are in season now and I often make “Cabbage rolls” with salted koji these days. Leaves of spring cabbages are soft and sweet. Of course it is good for fresh salads, but it becomes more sweet and smooth by heating.



The recipe is very simple. Thanks to the salted koji, the meat becomes more juicy and it goes well with soft cabbage leaves.




I put a half of the stock cube for my 16 months daughter and add the rest of it for adults. You do not have to make baby foods separately. My daughter does not really like leaf vegetables, but it seems she is satisfied with this cabbage roll.


[Recipe:ロールキャベツの作り方/Cabbage rolls(3人分)]

[用意するもの ingredients]

・合い挽き肉/ground meat 200g

・刻み玉ねぎ/chopped onion 中medium size 1つ

・春キャベツ/spring cabbage 6枚 leaves

・卵/egg 1つ

・パン粉/bread crumbs 大 table spoon 1

・牛乳/milk 大 table spoon 1

・塩こうじ/salted koji 大 table spoon1

・黒胡椒/ground black pepper 少々 to taste

・水/water 300cc

コンソメキューブ/stock cube 1つ piece

・オリーブオイル/olive oil 大table spoon 1


[手順 recipe]

  1. 春キャベツを1枚ずつ外しよく洗う。耐熱皿に置きラップをかけて電子レンジ(600W)で5分加熱する。 Wash cabbage leaves well. Wrap them with a plastic wrap and steam with a microwave oven (600W) for 5 mins.
  2. フライパンにみじん切りにした玉ねぎを入れオリーブオイルであめ色になるまで炒める。Pour the olive oil into the flying pan and stir-fry chopped onions until golden brown.
  3. ボウルに玉ねぎ,合い挽き肉,卵,牛乳に浸したパン粉,塩こうじ,黒こしょうを加えてよく混ぜる。Mix the onions, ground meat, egg, milk soaked bread crumbs, salted koji and ground black pepper in a bowl.
  4. 広げたキャベツにネタを置き包む。フライパンに並べて水とコンソメ(半量)を加える。蓋をして中火で15分煮込む。Place the 1/6 mixtures in the center of a cabbage leaf and roll inward, sides and continue to roll. Place the 6 cabbage rolls in the flying pan and add water and half of the stock cube. Put on a lid and boil well with medium heat for 15 minutes.
  1. 子どもの分を取り出す。残りのコンソメを加えて弱火で5分煮込む。Take 1-2 rolls out for children. Add the other half of the stock cube in the flying pan and boil with law heat for 5 more minutes.



I also recommend to boil together with carrots or broccolis for our health the color coordination.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.