




Cherry blossom season has finally come.  I cave cute light pink sweets in this season. I often make " Starawberry Panna Cotta" wchich looks like cherry Blossom Petals.



My daughter is 1 year old and I am pregnant (I need weight management). So, I use yogurt and agar in stead of fresh crem and gelatin. I make it a little bit hard and cut into dice so that she can easily have it with a fork.



You can use mango or peach instead of strawberry depending on the season. Roasted soyben flour, cocoa powder or matcha powder is also be a good option.  





[用意するもの ingredients]

・イチゴ/strawberry 90g

・プレーンヨーグルト/yogurt 100g

・牛乳(または豆乳)/ milk or soy milk 100g

・寒天パウダー/agar 1/2包 pack

・砂糖/sugar 大 table spoon 1~2

・イチゴ/strawberry 3つ pieces(飾り用 for topping)

[手順 recipe]

  1. イチゴとプレーンヨーグルトをミキサーにかける。 Add strawberry and yogurt into a blender and blend it untill smooth.
  2. 小鍋に牛乳,寒天パウダー,砂糖をいれて火にかける。Add milk, agar and suger into a small pot and sprinkle heat the pot on the stove.
  3. ふつふつしてきたら火からおろし,ミキサーにかけたイチゴとヨーグルトを加えてよく混ぜる。 When the contents in the pot are just boiling, remove the pot from the heat. Mix blended strawberry and yogurt.
  4. トレーに入れて冷蔵庫で固め,食べるときにカットしたイチゴ(飾り用)を乗せる。Pour the mixture into a flat container and cool it in the fridge for 20-30 minits. Cut the panna cotta into dice and put strawberries on the top.


I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.