



I had been struggling with my hair for a long time. I have naturally strong wavy hair and my two cowlicks do not let me style my hair very well.



I have got a straight perm since I was junior high and I feel I damaged my hair because I have not taking batter care of my hair.



I always have long hair and usually put my hair up in a bun or wear my hair in braids. Hair bandana and scarf are necessary for me to hide my curly bangs.




I was so negative about my hair but… When I met my mom who has similar hair type to me, I found that her hair style was very fashionable. I asked my mom to introduce me the hairdresser.



The hairdresser is older than my mom. She has been the hairdresser for about 50 years and had an experience to teach at beauty schools.



She touched my hair and said “Wow, what a healthy hair.” and “The random hair is in trend this year. You are lucky since your natural curly hair fits to the trend.”. I was a bit confused because I have never received praise for my hair, but I felt happy at the same time.




I got a hair consultation and chopped off 20cm of my hair. She also taught me how to take care of my hair easily during pregnancy and the nursing of children.



I feel so much better now. The amount of shampoo is halved and the time of hair dryer is shortened.



My baby’s due date is coming soon. I am going to prepare for welcoming our baby while enjoying my time with my one and half year old daughter.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



My daughter turned one and half years old and she has started to eat toddler meals. She usually has some snacks at 3 p.m. but it seems she does not like store-bought sweets



Then, I have decided to make homemade sweets using a banana since she likes bananas.



These days, I often make “banana scone” which is also good for people who has egg allergies.




My daughter tends to swallow foods without chewing well. So, I baked the scones a little bit hard so that she can practice how to use her teeth.



She has the scones with a cup of milk. She fills her cheeks with the scones like a squirrel. It seems she is satisfied with the taste of scones.



You can keep the baked scones in the freezer, so you can have it whenever you want.


[Recipe:バナナスコーンの作り方/Banana scones(スコーン型6個分)]

[用意するもの ingredients]

ホットケーキミックス/pancake mix 150g

・プレーンヨーグルト/plain yogurt 50g

・完熟バナナ/ripe banana 1本

・オリーブオイル/olive oil 15g

・塩/salt 少々 to taste


[手順 recipe]

1. オーブンを180度に予熱する Preheat the oven at 180°

2. フォークでバナナを粗く潰す Mash the banana with the back of a fork.

3. ボウルに材料を入れてゴムベラで切るように混ぜる Put all ingredients in a bowl and fold the dough with a rubber spatula in a cutting motion.

4. そぼろ状になったら手でまとめ、めん棒で2cmの厚さにのばす Roll the dough into a ball and flatten it 2cm thick with a rolling pin.

5. 型を抜いてオーブンで15分焼く Cut out and bake in the oven for about 15 mins.



This scone is also good for adults. According to children’s age, you can use chocolates, dried fruits, roasted soybean flour or nuts instead of bananas. When you use roasted soybean flour or nuts, I recommend you add 1 tablespoon of millet sugar since they are not so sweet.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



"Overalls" look really nice on small children. I had been looking for it for my daughter, but I could not find my ideal one for a long time.



One day, the book titled “DOLL & KIDS CLOTHES PATTERNS “ caught my eye at the library. “Simple and cute overalls” which a model and a doll were wearing was really perfect for me. According to the authors, they are happy to introduce this patterns since they pursued the boundary between childishness and a chick adult-like ware.




“This is what I was looking for !!”. I had started to make the overalls soon after I got home.



Day1:Wash and iron the linen fabric since it is easy to shrink.



Day2:Spread out the fabric on the floor and cut it according to the patterns while my daughter is sleeping.



Day3:Sew it with a sewing machine. Tag an embroidery on a big hip-pocket. It was suitable for beginners like me since most of the stiches were straight.



Day4:Open button holes and attach wooden buttons to the overalls.



Patterned or colored clothes are good as an inner wear since it is the plain overalls. If you like casual style, T-shirt will be a good option and if you like girly style, a blouse will fit well. 




Sleeveless shirt for summer and thin long sleeve shirts for spring and autumn, sweater for winter ~ I want to enjoy combining and coordinating clothing with my daughter.




I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



おそろいで着せたい、ドールと子どもの手づくり服 | 古川 美樹, 平田 晴香 |本 | 通販 - Amazon.co.jp



We went to a zoo with my one and a half years old daughter. She have contacted with dogs and cats, but she have never seen many animals at once.



The name of the zoo isKumamoto City Zoological and Botanical Gardens” in Kumamoto prefecture. We can enjoy not only many different animals but also seasonal flowers. There are also some rides, so no matter how many times we come to this zoo, we never get sick of it.




It was the first time for my daughter to come to a zoo. Unfortunately, she did not have an interest in animals. She pulled ropes, hit signboards, dug up weeds



She finally sat down on the ground in front of the elephants and played in the sand. She grabbed the sand and sprinkled it on her head, made her shirt dirty… but I was happy she seemed to be having fun.




There were beautiful roses and hydrangeas at the botanical area. Since she likes slopes, she endlessly run up and down the hill. My husband and I were exhausted to follow her under the flaming sun.



She usually does not like riding the car, but she was sleeping on the way back to home today. You did great, my girl.



I want to visit there again once she gets old enough and see animals and ride attractions together.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



熊本市動植物園 (ezooko.jp)



Where my husband works has plenty of nature and plenty of plums grow ripe near the office around the end of May.




We receives the blessing of nature and pickle “salted plums” in this season. It does not need to be dried in the sun and pickled with red perilla.



The recipe is really simple but it is delicious.

[用意するもの ingredients]

・梅/plum 1kg

・塩/salt 180g

ホワイトリカー/white liquor 200ml(25度以上の焼酎でも可)


・容器/pickle container(煮沸消毒しておく)

・重石/stone 2kg


[手順 recipe]

  1. 竹串でヘタをとる。Remove the stem end from plums with a skewer.
  2. 梅の実をよく洗い2時間ほど水につけあくを抜く。Wash plums well and soak in the water to remove the toxins.
  3. ザルに上げてキッチンペーパーで1個ずつ水気を拭き取る。Drain in a strainer and wipe with paper towels.
  4. 容器に塩をひとつかみ入れ梅を並べる。Put a pinch of salt in the bottom of the pickle container and spread the plums on it.
  5. 塩,梅を繰り返し重ね最後に残った塩をふりかける。Layering the salt and plums and sprinkle the remaining salt on the top.
  6. カビを予防するためホワイトリカーを回しかける。Pour the white liquor to prevent mold.
  7. 2キロの重石を乗せてビニール袋で覆う。Place the 2kg stone on the top end cover the container with a plastic bag.
  8. 1日数回容器を回して漬け汁をいきわたさせる。Turn the container several times a day to mix the prams with pickled juice.
  9. 1週間ほど経ち漬け汁が十分にでたら重石を1キロに減らし約1か月漬ける。When you see the enough pickled juice after 1 week, remove a half of the stone and pickle for about 1 month.



We put the salted plums in our lunch box and use the pickled juice in cooking. I hope we enjoy the salted plums this year as always.




I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



I met a wonderful Japanese woman when I was in Australia. She saw my blog and suggested that I make an “eye pillow”.



We took the 40 days yoga teacher training at Byron Yoga Centre located in Byron Bay, the easternmost point of Australia. During the course, only she and I were Japanese. She has no idea how much she helped me in an English speaking environment.



The "eye pillow" we used at the centre was amazing. The weight and texture were just right and it helped us to deepen Shavasana, the last yoga pose of the physical practice.



I want to give her such an amazing eye pillow. I have decided to make my original eye pillow by my memory.




I put brown rice in the eye pillow rather than flax seeds. Instead of satin fabric, I used 100% cotton and made an inner bag and outer bag so that we can wash outer bag and keep eye pillow clean. Both brown rice and cotton can be warmed up in a microwave, so we can heal our eye fatigue with “hot eye pillows”.




I dried roast the brown rice in a frying pan and mixed rocked salts together to get the smell out since brown rice has an distinct scent. I used dried rosemary from our garden to add fresh scent and protect against insects.




I hope she likes it and I am looking forward to doing yoga with her again.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.



Yoga Retreat Byron Bay | Byron Bay Yoga | Byron Yoga Centre NSW Australia



I receivedmulberry jam” from my parents. It made by my mom with fresh wild mulberries.
I feel an affinity with wild plants since I raised in the countryside. On the way to the elementary school, I picked mulberries at the edge of the pond and strawberries in the grass.

I went to pick horsetails and bounded together with eggs, made mochi rice cakes with mugworts in spring. Pears raised by my father and chestnuts in burrs are seasonal foods of autumn for me.
Sucking the sap out of Azalea flowers, making a flower crown with white clovers, I was playing outside until it gets dark in my childhood.


Those were the good old memories. I had my mom’s jam on my toast this morning. The sweetness was just right and I also enjoyed the texture of grains.

Mulberry is rich in vitamin C and iron. Thanks to my mom's jam, I will have a wonderful day.



I appreciate a common day like today. Thanks.